Moment to moment

I went for a walk at the beach today and decided to have Mick's favourite ice cream - Ben and Jerry's triple caramel chunk (known in the UK as triple caramel chew chew). Mick died 8 years ago on this day. As I crossed the road to the beach - a rainbow greeted me.

All was not lost

Seven years ago, winter had just begun and my family and I started to see brilliant rainbows. It was the last few days of Mick's time with us here in this life. He was drifting into a deep state of unconsciousness. It was clear that the end was close. I was about to lose my... Continue Reading →

Rainbow Messages

As we returned home last night I looked at the sky and said to the kids, "It looks like rainbow weather." They agreed. A big storm had passed through a few hours earlier. There were still dark clouds about but they were beginning to clear.  The grey light was bright. Sunlight was returning. We scoured... Continue Reading →

Quietly acknowledging six years

The June long weekend marked six years since Mick died. Six years. Two thirds of our daughter's life. About the same percentage for our son. We didn't celebrate the anniversary but we did acknowledge it. Through conversations and quiet gatherings, we paused with family and friends to remember Mick, acknowledge our loss and that challenging... Continue Reading →

A welcome rainbow

Early this evening I noticed that the conditions looked good for a rainbow. My kids were immersed in games so I told them I was just popping out to the street to see if I could spot one. They leapt to their feet to join me. We were excited to spy a skerrick. Was it... Continue Reading →

Love will sustain you

(Also published on Women's spiritual poetry blog) If I could step back in time to the day when my young husband (36 years of age) was diagnosed with terminal brain cancer, what would I tell myself? What would I tell the ambitious, independent, achievement focused, busy young woman who was trying to balance starting a family... Continue Reading →

Small acts of Kindness

Small unsolicited acts of kindness are like tiny rainbows that provide light and love through the heavy fog of grief and challenging times. People often say "Let me know there if there is anything I can do". When people said it to me I would usually smile and say thank you but rarely take them up on... Continue Reading →

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